5 Fashion Tips For College Students on a Budget

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Matthew 6:28-29

If there is one thing I know about college students from being one, we are in a constant state of being absolutely BROKE. I once heard a joke on TikTok saying that sometimes we have such a complete lack of money that we “need to have sleep for dinner.”

Because we are so broke, we need to focus on the necessities in life, like rent, tuition, food, and grocery costs. In the last few years, with a lot of advice from my mom and a close-to-empty bank account, I have learned much about saving money and still having a full wardrobe. Just remember, these are tips that helped me, but everyone is different and has different budgets and wardrobe needs. Hopefully, these tips can give you some direction or ideas on elevating your wardrobe or adding better items to it.

  1. Ignore most trends – they will pass.
  2. Invest in expensive, durable pieces.
  3. Build up your wardrobe with versatile items.
  4. Buy pieces that can be dressed up or down.
  5. Splurge on non-basics OCCASIONALLY.
scrolling through photos on a phone in front of a computer
Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com

Most of the clutter in your closet is or will be from the pieces you buy because you saw them trending on TikTok or Instagram. Usually, trendy pieces go out of style quickly and become uncool. They will likely be forgotten and shoved to the back of your closet, never to see the light of day again. Instead, research the classic pieces that have been timeless for years, and buy pieces that reflect that style. It’s okay to have one or two trendy pieces, but keep the majority of your wardrobe classic and timeless.

woman helping another woman try on a vest
Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com

In our world of fast fashion, we have to either choose between well-made and affordable. Stuff that is soft on the budget falls apart within a year or six months (I am looking at you, SHEIN). While more high-end brands have more expensive prices attached, they are better investments because they will stay intact much longer than the fast-fashion alternatives. Also, if you follow the care instructions on the clothing pieces’ labels, like washing on cold and air-drying, the pieces will hold up better.

a sweater, pair of jeans, and a pair of glasses.
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

The key to having a fashionable wardrobe on a budget is VERSATILITY. If you have a plain blouse that can be paired with several different types of pants or skirts and layered with sweaters or jackets, you can keep one piece looking fresh and new for all seasons of weather. This is also when having durable components comes in handy because the longer you are able to keep a versatile piece, the less money you have to spend on buying basic pieces every two months. Quick tip – wait to buy a replacement item for a wardrobe piece until the original item becomes too worn or threadbare to keep.

a woman with a linen shirt, a leather jacket and rose-gold watch.
Photo by THE 5TH on Pexels.com

This one goes along with having versatile items that you can rotate through, having items that can be styled as dressy or casual, or whatever you need in between. For college students and young adults in general, having clothes that can be considered business casual is a MUST. From job interviews to internships, powerful people expect their prospective employees to dress a certain way, and they don’t usually care that you have to work with a student-debt-stripped budget.

Photo by Dom J on Pexels.com

Buying fun pieces, stuff that sparkles or is perfect for a fancy night out, is okay. If you build up your wardrobe with basic, quality items, you can easily spice up a wardrobe that you would otherwise worry is “basic.” Indulge yourself in impractical things occasionally (if you have the right items to wear them with, at least), and go shopping with your friends! Just remember, if you don’t need something, you don’t need to buy clothes just because you are out and about at the stores.

Another great thing you can do when you have control of your wardrobe and clothing budget is discover and explore your style. If you don’t know what I mean, look up some different clothing aesthetics on Pinterest and try different styles; don’t forget to have fun with it! Clothing can be a wonderful expression of your personality and mood.
I hope you enjoyed this post because I already have enough tips to make a part two for this post soon. Let me know if there are any fashion tips you use to save money in the comment section.

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Until next time!

5 thoughts on “5 Fashion Tips For College Students on a Budget

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  1. Love this post, Belen! These tips work for us older adults, as well. Though I do sometimes like a cheap buy, even if I only get to wear it a few times. (I’m looking at Shein… Lol.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to hear that these tips are timeless! I hear you, sometimes a cheap buy is needed when you have a sudden event that you don’t have a good outfit for. Thanks for reading!


  2. Lovely post, Sara. Yes, versatile clothes can come in handy in more ways than one. And yes, when we have a social life certain things are expected from us, irrespective of our situation. By having versatile options, it’s easier to dress according to the occasion or requirements.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading! People underestimate how useful it is to have “basic” versatile pieces in your wardrobe, especially if you have limited space or a strict budget.


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