5 Fashion Tips For College Students on a Budget (Part 2)

“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

Psalm 46:5

I had so many tips on this topic that I wanted to break it into a two-part post. If you have not read my first post on this subject and want to check it out, or if you read it when I posted but liked it so much that you want to read it again, I have linked it here!

In the first part, I delved into the essential fashion tips for college students, providing insights on creating versatile looks that are both comfortable and stylish. In this second installment, I will continue exploring additional style advice tailored specifically for the college environment. There’s much more to cover, from layering techniques, mixing and matching affordable pieces, and smart accessorizing for different occasions. Stay tuned for more fashion inspiration and tips to elevate your college wardrobe to the next level!

In this economy, we are all trying to get the most bang for our buck and stretch that dollar as far as it can go. But sometimes, when buying clothing in college or as a recent grad in between jobs, the cheaper option is not always the best choice. Quality is very important when you cannot afford to replace clothing items when they wear out quickly and when you do not have time to go shopping again.

  1. Don’t buy new stuff just because there’s a sale.
  2. Use accessories to spice up basic pieces.
  3. Buy two or more of your most used basics.
  4. Become friends with a good seamstress or tailor.
  5. If you don’t wear a piece, DONATE IT.
a denim clothing item with a Black Friday 50% Discount tag
Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

In Western society, there is an INSANE amount of overconsumption. We are told always to buy something to be happy and take advantage of a sale. Even if we do not produce, we feel it because it costs less than normal. My mom taught me a neat trick when considering whether or not to buy an item you find on sale. Ask yourself, “Would I still buy this item if it was at regular price?” if the answer is anything other than an enthusiastic “YES!”, you might want to consider putting the piece back on the rack and spending your money on something else. Remember, there is always a sale somewhere, but that does not mean you are actually getting a good deal.

Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com

Never underestimate the power of accessories, baby! Bling is powerful in transforming outfits. You can style an outfit as dressy or casual as the situation demands with jewelry. A good first step is to discover whether you look better in gold or silver jewelry if you still need to. After that, buy an assortment of pieces of different kinds. Buy at least three simplistic sets of rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Three sets are enough to rotate through during the day and on special nights out, but you can always invest in more expensive, detailed items once you figure out what you like and are less tight on cash. It is also okay to get several kinds of jewelry if you are like me and do not particularly like earrings or rings but love necklaces.

Photo by dayong tien on Pexels.com

I used to hate basics when I was a tween. I lived in graphic tees and hoodies with my favorite shows and characters displayed across them. I didn’t particularly appreciate it whenever I had to dress in anything in only one color. However, as I got older, I realized one-toned outfit components’ usefulness and subtle classiness. Multicolored, flashy stuff can only go with so many different things, but basic pieces can be paired differently depending on the occasion. Also, once you find some basic, classic pieces that look good on you, get a couple of versions in some different colors. This will keep your wardrobe manageable and slow the wearing out of the clothing.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

This is a tip that you might not have expected. When we order an item in a size that typically fits us well, it will do just that. However, my fellow petite and long-legged ladies understand the struggle of finding an item you love. Even if the fit feels mostly right or the fabric sits well against your skin, sometimes there needs to be more fabric in the right places. This is where a good tailor comes in handy. I have been going to the same wonderfully talented lady for over seven years, and not only has she helped take some of my dress pants, but she has also helped to alter every dress I wore to a high school social or dance. So now, if a piece is perfect except for being a couple of inches past my ankles, I can buy the piece anyway.

woman with bangles bracelets on
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

This one is not just a fashion tip but also an organizing tip. If you are in college, the odds are that you live in an apartment or dorm and have fairly limited closet and drawer space, and the precious space that you do have cannot be taken up with impractical clothing that you never wear. ; there. Stay calm; there are many ways to eliminate clothes that are not wasteful. Goodwill and the Salvation Army are both always grateful for clothing donations of any kind. If you need extra money to spend, you can resell your unneeded clothing on sites like Poshmark, Threadup, or Depop. And of course, if you have younger siblings of the same gender (and if they like your taste in fashion), you can let them have whatever items you don’t need, and they want.

Well, there you have it, the long-awaited continuation of my list of fashion tips for college students on a budget. If you are a student or have any fashion tips from your time as one, leave a comment below! I and the other readers love practical tips to save money on clothing, and sharing is caring in this economy.

Remember, while it is a good idea to stick to a consistent budget for fashion, it is perfectly normal and acceptable to splurge on more pricey items occasionally. You can also use other things to spice up your outfit rotation, like different hairstyles or nail polishes. I have recently become a big fan of perfumes, which always make an outfit feel more classy.

Thank you all for reading, and may all the clothes you try on fit just right.

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